Friday, April 29, 2011

APOD 4.2

This is the emission nebula IC 410.  The nebula does not look like this in visible light- blue represents the presence of oxygen, hydrogen is green, and sulfer is in red.  This is a composite image taken from both narrow band and broad band filters, which separte the atoms so that astronomers can study the composition of the nebula.  The nebula is located 12,000 light years from Earth and can be found in the constellation Auriga.  The dark area in the middle is not the absence of the gases, but an area blocked by cosmic dust. The "tadpoles" (located in the upper left part of the nebula) are each 10 light years long and most likely are the location of star formation.  The nebula surrounds the galactic star cluster NGC 1893.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


4/26- Galaxy Zoo Mergers: Merger Wars (1 hour)
4/28- Galaxy Zoo Hubble: Classify Galaxies (1 hour)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


4/18- Galaxy Zoo Mergers: Merger Wars (1 hour)
4/19- Galaxy Zoo: Hubble (1 hour)

Friday, April 15, 2011

More Zooniverse

4-12: Galaxy Zoo Mergers: Merger Wars (1 hour)
4-14: Galaxy Zoo Mergers: Merger Wars (1 hour)
4-15: Galaxy Zoo: Hubble (1 hour)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Zooniverse Activity

3/31- Classified galaxies in Galaxy Zoo: Hubble (1 hour)
4/05- Identified supernovae in Galaxy Zoo: The Hunt for Supernovae (1 hour)
4/07- Galaxy Zoo: Hubble (1 hour)