Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Observations 9/14

This morning at about 6:45 AM, Jupiter was in the West, and at 9:00 PM it was in the East.  At 8:20 PM Mars was about 26 degrees SE of the moon.  From my backyard at 9:00 PM I could see quite a lot in the clear skies.  Tonight the moon was a waxing crescent (tomorrow it should be 1st quarter), and approximately 7 degrees SE of the moon was Antares.  It had a slight reddish color, which made it easy to identify.  Scorpius was very close to the SW horizon.  In the North, I could see only the handle of the big dipper in Ursa Major, because the rest was covered by trees.  In the South, the teapot in Sagittarius was easy to spot to the left of the moon.  I found Hercules by its asterism, the keystone, which was almost directly above me.  The summer triangle was just to the left of Hercules.

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